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Monday, April 4, 2022

Sore Mouth Can Distress a Person

A sore or inflamed mouth can occur for many reasons, including canker or cold sores, mild burns, wearing braces, or irritation from biting the tongue or teeth; but no matter what causes mouth soreness and inflammation (also called stomatitis), the effects are the same: Discomfort that can affect your child’s ability to eat, speak and even sleep.

Canker Sores

Pale, often yellowish, sores that usually have an outer red ring, these sores occur most commonly on the cheeks, tongue or inside of the lip and may occur in clusters. Most sores last five to 10 days and are not associated with fever.

Although the cause of these sores is unknown, several factors may be related to their development, including stress, bacteria or viruses. They may also be triggered by a cold or flu, by certain foods such as chocolate or citrus fruits, by biting the inside of the cheek, or by chewing sharp or abrasive foods. Canker sores aren’t contagious, and they occur in about one-fifth of the U.S. population.

Cold Sores

Also commonly called fever blisters, these fluid-filled sores usually occur around the lips. In many cases, the area where the sore appears may tingle, burn or feel tender before the sore appears and form a crusty scab in their later stages. These sores are usually associated with a cold or flu and typically disappear within 10 days. There is no cure for cold sores, but applying ice may help reduce discomfort, and your child’s pediatrician might prescribe an antiviral medication to reduce symptoms.

Caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, cold sores are contagious. Infection with the virus sometimes occurs during childhood or adolescence, and the virus remains in the body, becoming reactivated by stress, fever, hormonal changes or trauma.

Mouth Irritation

Many factors can cause irritation, including wearing braces or retainers, burns from hot foods or drinks, broken teeth or hypersensitivity to specific foods or medications.

Most mouth sores resolve within two weeks; sores that persist beyond that time should be evaluated by a doctor. In the meantime, to minimize your child’s discomfort

*have them avoid hot, spicy, salty and citrus-based foods while the sore is active
*rinse with salt water, for canker sores
*use over-the-counter children’s pain medications and ice

Call us to schedule an appointment today at KiDDS Dental!  509-891-7070. We’d love to meet you and your family!

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